Holy Shit! So with only one initial prompt: write a function called situation with the following variables: where, when, what, how, why, who
Then I pick the best of 3 response, I then went to Nostradamus Archive, and paste a quatrain and write "Run situation" on the last line of the prompt, and this is Bard output:
Sure, here is the situation based on the provided text:
Variable Possible Value
Where Unnamed city known as "city of the sun"
When Unspecified
What The city will experience a period of turmoil and change, leading to its liberation from oppression
How The city will overthrow its oppressive rulers and establish a new and more just system of governance
Why The city's people will rise up against their oppressive rulers and demand freedom
Who The people of the city of the sun
The text suggests that the city of the sun is currently under the rule of oppressive and unjust rulers. However, the people of the city will soon rise up against these rulers and demand freedom. They will overthrow the old order and establish a new and more just system of governance. This period of change and turmoil will be difficult, but it will ultimately lead to a better future for the city and its people.
The identity of Great Hadrie is unclear, but it is likely a person or group of people who will play a key role in the city's liberation. They may be leaders of the rebellion, or they may simply provide inspiration and guidance to the people.
The specific events that will take place during this period of change are unknown. However, it is likely that there will be violence and bloodshed. The old rulers will not surrender power without a fight.
Despite the challenges ahead, the people of the city of the sun are determined to win their freedom. They have suffered for too long under the rule of tyrants, and they are ready to fight for a better future.
Holy Shit! So with only one initial prompt: write a function called situation with the following variables: where, when, what, how, why, who
Then I pick the best of 3 response, I then went to Nostradamus Archive, and paste a quatrain and write "Run situation" on the last line of the prompt, and this is Bard output:
Sure, here is the situation based on the provided text:
Variable Possible Value
Where Unnamed city known as "city of the sun"
When Unspecified
What The city will experience a period of turmoil and change, leading to its liberation from oppression
How The city will overthrow its oppressive rulers and establish a new and more just system of governance
Why The city's people will rise up against their oppressive rulers and demand freedom
Who The people of the city of the sun
The text suggests that the city of the sun is currently under the rule of oppressive and unjust rulers. However, the people of the city will soon rise up against these rulers and demand freedom. They will overthrow the old order and establish a new and more just system of governance. This period of change and turmoil will be difficult, but it will ultimately lead to a better future for the city and its people.
The identity of Great Hadrie is unclear, but it is likely a person or group of people who will play a key role in the city's liberation. They may be leaders of the rebellion, or they may simply provide inspiration and guidance to the people.
The specific events that will take place during this period of change are unknown. However, it is likely that there will be violence and bloodshed. The old rulers will not surrender power without a fight.
Despite the challenges ahead, the people of the city of the sun are determined to win their freedom. They have suffered for too long under the rule of tyrants, and they are ready to fight for a better future.